Hi, I have just recently realized that there is a “cut shapes” tool. Until then I have always used the boolean operations, which was often frustrating because it didn’t work on certain shapes (e.g. certain open shapes).
While using it, I found that I can only select “cut shapes” if I select the two shapes using the selection box. If I select one of them via left click, hold CTRL and select the second, the “cut shapes” button is greyed out. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?
You must select the cutting shape second, and it must be a closed shape. In your example, you’re selecting the open shape second, which isn’t valid to use as a cutting shape, and that’s why the option is grayed out.
It happens to be working as expected when you use the selection box due to the position of these shapes in LightBurn’s internal draw order, but that won’t be reliable in all cases (if their orders were reversed and you used box selection, you’d see Cut Shapes grayed out again).