Hi, my machine is a Laguna LCB 150w Co2.
I am using leatherette to laser. I have been doing these for a few years and recently things have ever so slightly changed. Example: My pattern is an old style ships wheel, it has a fill boarder and then the cutline is slightly smaller than the fill (just in case of any inaccuracies. Now, on the lower left portion of the wheel, when the fill is complete, the cut is higher than anywhere else so the boarder appears thinner there and is noticeable. I can’t see any slop in my machine or lenses, mirrors etc so I am wondering if there’s a setting I can use to adjust this.
Any help/suggestions would be AWESOME!
Cheers guys
Photos really help getting peoples attention… I can’t see what you see, so the problem is more abstract. Believe me, there are lots of symptoms…
Big machine for leather…
If you haven’t changed any settings, but the results are now different, then the settings are fine and the hardware has changed.
Given that the laser is several years old and has been in regular use, I’d suspect the tube is failing. The output should be a nice round spot, but a failing tube can produce all manner of oddly shaped spots. @jkwilborn often refers folks to this article:
Before tearing things apart, make sure the tube is still behaving properly. The general idea is to put a paper target at the entry to the first mirror and manually pulse the laser with just enough energy to produce a brown spot. It should be darker in the center, lighter around the edge, and nicely circular.
You’ll find plenty of conversations on the subject around here:
I agree, it’s probably something in the machine. I think it’s a mirror alignment issue, but that hurst my brain.
Either way, great advice
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