Cuts and layers window

so im looking for the fill and cut dropdown option in the cuts and layers window. in mode i have cut, fill and offset fill in the dropdown but no fill and cut, ive seen a video where had it in the dropdown. does anyone know where to find this?

There is no “Cut” option any more; it was changed to “Line” years ago. The only difference between doing a light marking of a line and cutting through is the speed and power used. Go slow and at high power to cut through, and go faster / use lower power to simply mark the surface, but both use ‘Line’ mode.

sorry, i did mean line and fill, but in that mode i guess the dropdown im looking for is line and fill or maybe its fill and line im not sure.

Oh, you’re referring to “Fill+Line” mode. That has also been removed and replaced with sub-layers.

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great, thanks. thats what i was looking for, thanks for the video, ill probably watch it alot to make sure i got it.

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Just be sure you are aware Lightburn adds features so fast that a lot of the videos are partially outdated. They still have value, but do not worry if a mentioned feature is not in your version of Lightburn.

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