I assume this is the A40630 or N40630 which neje claims as 5.5W output.
You should be able to cut 3mm ply but to be clear, it won’t necessarily be easy and will depend on a lot of factors.
I talk about some of the challenges and factors involved in this lengthy post here:
Even in the best case this won’t be “fast”. Neje claims being able to cut 3mm ply at 120 mm/min @100% power in one pass. I would consider that a best case type of number. If you have any inconsistencies or voids in the wood you might never get through.
Take a look through the post but the 3 biggest factors for a good cut are going to be focus, air assist, and material type given your laser. If you don’t have air assist I would say don’t even bother with plywood. You should be able to cut solid woods like balsa or birch without air assist.