Cutting order & key bindings for "push to..."


I’m trying to arrange a simple grid with lines to be cut in a defined order, I’ve managed this in another file with “push to front” for each line in the wanted order, but this doesn’t work any more after one of the last updates - even the already existing file is no longer cut in the old defined order… somewhat, but not completely.

Also the key bindings (or shortcuts) are somewhat irritating: push to front is shown with CMD+arrow-up, but this moves the selected item up in the x-axis, also with “push forward in draw order” which is shown as arrow-up, which also moves the selected item up in x-axis, but more. What do the shown arrows in the menu mean? I’m quite confused.

Can someone please help me? Many thanks in advance…

Push to front & back only change the drawing order - they have nothing to do with cutting order. You can manually set the order using the Shape Properties. Watch this video on the cut planner / optimizer to see how to control the cutting order:

Dear Oz,

many thanks for your reply and the YT link, this helped allot.

On the other hand it is still not clear to me how I can change the order of individual parts based on the drawing. Until some versions ago, the parts were really (!) cut in the order in which they were created, or how they were sorted with “push to front” and “push to back”.

I created cut files exactly like this and they were cut exactly like this - not anymore…

If you turn off all optimizations, parts should be cut out in the order of creation. If you want things cut in an exact order, use ‘Order by Priority’ and set the Cut Priority value on each shape in sequence. 0 will cut first, then 1, then 2, and so on.

That said, it’s very rare that you would need an exact order - most people want something like “group A has to go before group B”, for example, but the software is free to sort within that group as it sees fit.

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