Cutting shapes are coming out at different lengths and sizes

I’m using a 100w C02 Chinese laser.

I’ve been trying to cut a simple shape now for about 8 hours and I’m a bit frustrated at this point. I keep getting measurements that are either a few millimeters too long or short. Mostly having issues with the x axis but the y seems to get thrown off sometimes too. I have calibrated this thing to death today. I have used cardboard to make my squares and have done up to 600mm big just to make sure I’m covering a big area when I’m calibrating and then doing smaller and smaller squares. Eventually it goes out by a couple of millimeters. I have been fighting inconsistent cut sizes for a while now and I would really like to get the problem solved. It has been making me waste a ton of material if I have to do a layered project or have anything that requires precision. Everything else works great. I have great detail in my engravings and it cuts really well, just not the right measurement…