Didn't want to hijack david johnsons thread

So I thought I should start a new one hoping that he and or Bulldog and or Sasquatch would chime in.
J-Tech 7watt. 60IPM 80% power 200 DPI: jarvis
So this is my image.

This is my preview.

This is the end result.
Look at all the horrible lines…
Now i did copy Davids property settings from his thread today, only because I don’t know any better, or what they all actually mean.
For a person that claims to know nothing about photograph, his work is fantastic.
Constructive criticism welcome.

Try change the dpi to around 265 and i think you will see a big difference. Takes more time but i think you will get a lot better quality. Just my .02

Thanks Wayne,
Trying that right now.

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