Dock crash problem

Hello, I have problems with the dock function,
If I have few elements it works well but if the project is complex the program crashes, the wheel appears and stops responding.
this happens with any piece I try to dock to another in a file around 20Mb
i have an intel i7 laptop with 8gb win10 i don’t think it’s a memory problem.
does anyone have the same trouble?
thank you

Thank you for drawing our attention to what you are observing. To help in evaluation, please provide a file where you experience these issues. You can email, to and include a link to this post for context, or host the file on a cloud service and share the link here, and we can take a closer look. :slight_smile:

The file you submitted contains over 176,000 individual line segments, not connected together, that are arranged to look like objects, but they are still disconnected.

The dock function is trying to move each of those individual pieces.

To show you what I mean, I’ve created two letters, A and B, and made a second copy:


The top and bottom versions are visually identical, but the bottom ones are just individual segments, arranged to look like the top one. Here, I’ve moved the segments in the bottom one around so you can see them. I can’t do the same with the top one, because clicking one of them selects a whole “loop” of the shape:


Your file is constructed like the bottom copy - all separate, tiny segments, not complete shapes that are connected together. You probably imported a DXF exported from non-CAD software, as they tend to be horrible for this.

Using the Auto-Join tool (Edit > Auto Join) will fix some of this, but there are parts where segments don’t touch properly, and won’t join correctly, so you’d have to fix those manually.


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