Docking Issues With 1.2.04

Hi Everyone!

I’ve recently downloaded LB 1.2.04 and have been having some really frustrating issues with docking windows, to be specific, dragging and hovering over the desired window to be stacked doesn’t always work and I end up having to rely on ‘Reset To Default Layout’ to get things back in order…I’m sure it’s something I’m doing wrong, I just don’t know what it is; has anyone else experienced this and if so, please tell me the ‘fix’…thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

A couple of things to watch out for:

  1. You may have to pause in the target docking area longer than you expect. A few seconds rather than a few milliseconds.
  2. Note that it’s the position of the mouse pointer that’s grabbing the window title bar that determines docking activation. It’s not just the title bar at any point. Hold the position of the mouse pointer while dragging a title bar directly over the center of the docking pane. It’s not near the tabs, it’s not on top of another title bar. You have to hover the mouse pointer while dragging over the center of the docking pane. Wait for the pane to turn blue. Then release to dock.
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I’d the same issue, but looking at lightburn tutorial video Docking Trouble? - YouTube helped me to solve this issue.


Thank you; I will hover a bit longer, be more aware of the cursor placement, and will report back accordingly…thanks again!

Hi avastro!

Yes, I too saw that vid and while it did offer some insight as far as screen sizing possibly being a cause, I think that the either the software differences may play a role in that technique not working for me, or I may just not be hovering long enough as berainlb mentioned above…I’ll take another look a the vid and will keep in mind what berainlb mentioned as well and see what happens…thanks avastro!

Worked like a charm! I was more cognizant of the pointer position, was a bit more patient and voila, docked with ease…thanks again berainlb!

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Thanks again avastro; looking at the vid again for spacing and using berainlb’s suggestions did the trick!

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