Does steps per rotation change from part to part?

This is the proper setup for a rotary…

It’s digital to the stepper motor drivers and they should also produce a digital step rate.

If set for so many steps/rotation, it means the motor will rotate one complete turn for that many steps… This does not change… it should always turn one complete rotation… that’s how come digit stuff works or fails miserably…

Using a chuck type, where the chuck is directly driven by the stepper motor, if one rotates properly so will the connected chuck…

What can add a slightly analog variable to the system is a pulley/gear ratio and for a wheel type the driving wheel diameter. There are these pulley/gear drives some chuck types, but they are in all wheel or roller type that I’ve seen…

With a wheel type, you need the ratio X steps/rotation on the motor driver for the Lightburn gui along with the driving wheel diameter.

I’ve used this on both of these setups on my rotaries for my co2 and fiber… they don’t seem to exhibit anything really unusual…

I have a PiBurn 3 and an M80 chuck type that I got with the fiber… I have interchanged them with the above changes to steps/rotation and they seem to be fine.

It would be nice to know if you are using a chuck or wheel type rotary… When discussing these the best is to have a link so we can see what you have…

How can this possibly occur?

The math says no… poor setup maybe…?

Even more likely, with a chuck, is precise diameter measurement…

Other things can influence rotation… if you need to move the rotary a certain amount and the turns out to 2.3343 steps… it’s not going to happen… you will probably get 2 steps as it can only step not portions of a step…

@Thelaserjacks your mug appears to be slipping… Why too large of an error for what I’ve been talking about… even with a chuck… that’s excessive.

That’s what I get when I move an object too fast, it slips on the wheel/roller… if you have a chuck we have to look elsewhere…


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