Double stamp on text when running Material Test Grids

I keep getting a Double stamp on text, almost a ghost duplicate, when running Material Test Grids.Am I missing something in the settings?

Pictures would help a lot, but perhaps you haven’t measured and set the Scanning Offset Adjustment table over a range of speeds.

However, given what I understand of the Spider’s mechanical design, it may be shimmying from side to side as the laser head moves back and forth. If that’s the case, then you must figure out a way to make the whole affair more rigid and ensure it’s firmly anchored to the table / floor / substrate.

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thanks the adjustments worked well. still need a little tweeking.

Ed, The adjustments worked well on Monday, by Tuesday everything was off by a whopping 38.94.Went to ADD new adjustments in the Device Manager and the Line Shift window wont let me go above 30 am I missing something? See attached pics.

The intent of the Scanning Offset Adjustment is to correct for small timing delays, on the order of milliseconds, between the laser driver and the mechanical motion.

You must measure the offset at several speeds across the range the machine can handle, because LightBurn interpolates between the table entries. Per the instructions:

A minimum of two measurements are needed for it to work.

The table you show has only one entry for 1000 mm/min, which means LightBurn is (probably) extrapolating a huge offset for the layer speed of 3000 mm/min.

Turn the adjustment off , measure the offset at half a dozen speeds (500 / 1000 / 2000 / 4000 / 6000 / whatever), fill the table entries with half the measured offset, turn it back on, and see if the situation improves.

I ran this at 1000,2000,3000 then adjusted 30 on the first then 8.94 the second and ran all three again, I still have less diffence but I’ll let you know if your answer helped.

I tried your adjustments and I ended up reloading the Machine Firmware and Adjusting it afterwards and I was able to make the necessary. Tyvok peice of Crap.
Thanks for the help