Dual laser tube - Change all layers to laser 2

If I have a Lightburn file with many layers and all layers have laser 1 enabled and laser 2 disabled. Is there an option in Lightburn (keeping all the layers setting as is) to switch all the layers to laser 2 instead of laser 1 (or enable both lasers) instead of manually going into each layer and disabling laser 1 and enabling laser 2.
I would like to see an option in the menu under Laser Tools to switch the laser or enable both laser.
If there is already one, please let me know.

I don’t know of one. You can ‘sort’ the layers and other options if you ‘right click’ the header in the cuts menus.

You can also suggest that option in the ‘Feature Suggestions’ where users vote on it…


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If you’re dealing with a lot of changes and you’re handy with a text editor it might be easier to change the text in the file directly. Just make sure to take a backup if you go this route.

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submitted a feature suggestionlink

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