Empty or defect files since update on 1.0

Since I have updated from LB 0.94 to LB, it saves empty or defective files:


Is this a known issue ?

Thanks- Peter

This is not a new issue, reported 3 or 4 times, if I remember correctly, but has been very pesky to track down. We have had reports of this in the past, but only very rarely, as in once every 6 months or so. We need additional information as we have not been able to reproduce these conditions on any of our systems.

Please provide any detail, no mater how trivial it may seem. Have you been able to have this happen more than one time? What were you doing just before this happens? Please share any and everything you can think of to help us reproduce here. :slight_smile:

I could not find a pattern yet, when this happens. It appears now and then, but extra frustrating if you have done some work on this file. Will try to reproduce.

Unfortunately couldn’t do much due to job demand. What I can say so far is, that it only happened after upgrading from 9.2.2 to and subsequently
Yesterday I had the problem, that I saved a file and on my Laptop in the Garage it showed empty (but not corrupted). When I went back to my room, I saved it again and still in the Garage it was empty. Isaved it with a different name and everything was fine.
I use synchronised folders btw with my Synology network drive.

Again, corrupted file after some work and I didn’t think about the problem but just closed the app after saving. Did the same again with little work to see if it happens again, but it didn’t.
Btw, I’m saving in a folder which is synchronized with my Synology Network Drives to open the same on the garage laptop. Don’t think this is the problem, but maybe one difference to the common approach ?

I have a Synology NAS and I’ll play with this on my side for a bit. I don’t use synced folders but use mapped drive folders. I’d need to learn how to sync them but probably need an app installed.

So far no issues with mapped drive folders and windows 11. Using 1.0.04 LB

done by Synology Drive Client, available in the web app.

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