Enclosure interior color

Hi All

Just about getting to the paint or staining stage of the enclosure and wondering about the interior.
I figure a non reflective neutral color like grey primer would be safest/best for inside, to cover screwheads and matt black metal paint for brackets.

I’ve used some brass cup washers on the outside and the lid will be opal perspex 5mm, so I thought about staining the White Deal timber (front and back sides) something like oak color and the gable ends which are a redish type plywood…Stain them just a bit deeper/darker and then a bit of varnish maybe.

So will the grey inside be ok to not reflect too much light from the laser?

Don’t know what kind of lasers you have, so it’s hard to make a determination.

Black usually absorbs most visible light lasers…


Apologies forum, for the rookie mistake.

The modules are 20w blue 455nm diode and 5w output IR1064nm.

Diffuse reflections (from paint, etc.) are of zero concern. Only specular reflections (shiny mirror-like surfaces like metal or glass) pose any potential hazard.

That being the case, a bright matte white will make the workspace brighter and much easier to light, which makes everything more convenient and therefore potentially safer. Also, cameras will be much happier.

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Thanks Nathaniel, thats really good to know. As you say, the brighter interior will help in many ways.