Hello, I need help.
I have an Omtech Polar 50W and am using a MacBook Air 2012 running Linnux. I am using Lightburn Ver. 1.7.03
I want to engrave my logo (11mmx8mm) onto an 18.5mm diameter tube. The tube will be very dense wood, such as African Blackwood.
The tube is smaller than the distance between the rollers of the number 2 rotary. I made an adapter (which is 31.82mm in diameter).
I’ve experimented with several different settings but the results look like craters instead of lines. More than likely this is a focus issue.
Very obviously I am misunderstanding what I need to do to accomplish this task.
Would you be so kind as to run through the set-up scenario in a flow-chart kind of way for someone who is more of an analog guy! If I just know all of the software settings and ANY machine setting that will get me close, I can tweak it from there.
Many thanks in advance. I have spent hours with this and no results.