Engraving paper card for use in texturing metal

Dear Lightburn community, I want to make some custom engraved paper cards which can be put through a rolling mill to texture silver foil or thin silver sheet which I will enamel. There are examples of these cards made by the jewellers bench https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/JewellersBenchShop?ref=seller-platform-mcnav&section_id=42499964 and Rolling Mills Resources https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/1561368768/2307-spring-mandalas-low-relief-pattern?click_key=78903e9ca4d0d3e94fe974c490be6a5de2145ca7%3A1561368768&click_sum=0e3297a7&external=1&rec_type=ss&ref=landingpage_similar_listing_top-1. I would like to make my own unique engraved cards, but don’t know what type of laser would be suitable to do this task. Does anyone know? Samuco

In principle, you can use the type of laser that can process the material that you want to use as a negative form to press your cards.
If you want to use acrylic you can use a CO2 laser, if you will make dies of metal, you need to invest in a fiber laser.

Thanks Bernd,
But the cards are used to press metal not the other way round. The paper card needs to be laser engraved with the pattern which is then pressed into the thin metal using a rolling mill. The pattern then appears on the metal. So I need a laser that can engrave the paper card. Samuco

Thank you for clarification, then a diodelaser theoretical should also be able to do the task.
How many cards should/will you make? If it has to go fast and the dimensions are not too big, the right fiber laser will be a good option.

Hi Bernd, I would probably only make 2 cards for each design as these will be used to make textures in unique jewellery pieces. I would then repeat the process for a new jewellery piece. The dimensions of the card would be quite small as well. Say 6cm x 6cm. The depth of the engraving would be quite shallow. At the most 1.0 mm. Other times even less. I am wondering whether a cheap low powered laser could do this job. The beam width needs to be small to get good detail in the pattern. I have never owned a laser and this is all new to me. But I see that these laser engraved paper patterns are available. I just would like to create my own designs. I hope this makes sense. Samuco

Here is an example of a commercial version. The pattern gets imprinted into a metal such as fine silver sheet or fine silver foil 12um.

I just read a bit about Rolling Mill, it’s very interesting. I have a diode laser and a CO2 laser, both of which are capable of making stamps, but it’s the “reverse” mode that you need.
Generally, depth is not an issue in many materials, but 1mm or more in cardboard… I haven’t tried that.
Maybe someone else here in the forum has a more qualified suggestion, based on experience that field.

Thanks Bernd for your comments. Yes it is the inverse that is needed. It must be possible as there are numerous commercial versions for sale. Perhaps someone else has some experience with this. Here is another example. Regards Samuco

Curious, are the commercially available ones laser engraved? They appear to be stamped rather than engraved. I personally have not tried engraving paper but on pretty much everything I do engrave there are always scan lines evident. That may be because I don’t have my setting perfect, IDK.

Hi Tim,
The commercial ones say they are laser engraved in their descriptions.

Hi Tim,
“Tutorial 3 Cut settings” from Lightburn shows you how to reduce the scan lines using various settings. It might be useful for you. Tutorials – LightBurn Software