I want to ask for a support in case of poor quality of engraving on my Ortur master 2 pro.
It started when I have updated on 1.1.0 and on the 1.1.01 the issue still persist. I have tried to downgrade back on 1.0.06 but result is still the same.
For engraving I am mostly on 4100 mm/min speed with 27% max and 20% minimum power of my laser.
Please see the pics before and after. After setup is also on higher power, because on my previous one the wood is empty…
It is cutting, not engraving, even if I have in the setup the picture and not the lines. I believe that it can be easy fix, but I am not able recognize where I am doing the mistake.
Is this information helpful to you?
BTW I thought that $30 means maximum speed of my laser machine, or am I wrong? Because if I want to get for example 4000 with this setup it will be still 1000?
“I believe you have changed settings to make up for other settings and now you are having unpleasant results.” - It means that i dont change anything, just Lightburn Update
$30 is 1000 in the console and also in settings menu.
I am still confused. Please explain this sentence from your first post as well.
the image above with several sharks shows different image processing preferences. Which image processing preference are you selecting for your engraving?
this preference could have been misplaced when updating.
Please attach your .lbrn or .lbrn2 file as i hope to be able to see what is selected.
The important thing about $30 and S Value Max is that they match. There’s very little value in having this number higher than 1000 since the resolution of control is likely already within this range.
Have you tried running a test pattern? Perhaps try the new material test in the recent release.
Can you share the .lbrn file that you are using for review?
Hello, I have tried the settings from Ortut, still so bad, I dont know, I am lost…
S and 30 are matching on 1000, I will try the test again. It is hard to share LB file, everz single trz is different setup… Could you maybe share with me some easy engraving example to compare? Thx