Error 150060 When Trying to Cut

The laser doesn’t move and I get an error 150060, even though it has worked fine in the past. X/Y axis is not the same so I don’t understand why the laser doesn’t move.

I’m not sure what you mean, that doesn’t sound like a LightBurn error message. Can you post a screenshot (please no cell phone pics of screens) so that we can see what is happening?

Please review this guide on how to screenshot:

Can you also let us know what sort of computer you are using and what sort of laser cutter or engraver, its make and model as well as how you are connected.

Then if you don’t mind, please let us know exactly what you are trying to do that generates this error, step-by-step if possible.

Thank you!

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I designed this from scratch and could successfully create one a few weeks ago.

  1. I send the engraver home
  2. I frame it and it really doesn’t move
  3. Played it and it burns in the same place - burning through not the design

I connected via the USB port to my Lenovo Windows11 v 23.2H for 64-based system
Engraver xtool
![Lightburn error 150060|690x316