Error 8 - I dont know how to fix

Last night I turned on my LM3 and got this message right away. It wont home, wont do anything just sits there and beeps at me. Any ideas?


Grbl ‘$’ command cannot be used unless Grbl is IDLE. Ensures smooth operation during a job.

There are a couple of posts in these forums that mention that error and phrase—they suggest some things to look at: Switching USB cables and the power supply. The posts with the same messages look to have been solved by switching the power supply out. You may want to give those two solutions a go if possible:

Have you encountered this before?

Some of the Ortur laser engravers have a twist-unlock stop button. If the button is in the stopped/locked state the engraver won’t home.

Some laser engravers will begin engraving a project from an SD card in a slot in the board. To ensure that GRBL is idle, the card must be removed.

There may be more information available in the Console window in LightBurn. Please scroll back and select the information from the initial connection to the first error message, copy it and paste it into a reply here. Hopefully we’ll see something responsible for the error.

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