Error:9 G-code verrouillé pendant l'état d'alarme ou d'avance pas-à-pas. [MSG:3:Caution: Unlocked]

quand je veux graver il se passe ceci,
G-code verrouillé pendant l’état d’alarme ou d’avance pas-à-pas.
[MSG:3:Caution: Unlocked]
Je n’arrive plus à graver.
d’avance merci pour votre réponse.

Good morning,
when I want to burn this happens,
G-code locked during alarm or stepping state.
[MSG:3:Caution: Unlocked]
I can no longer engrave.
thank you in advance for your reply.

We will need to know a great deal more about your laser engraver, your art work, your engraving settings… All of it.

Please, as an initial step, open the Console window in LightBurn and scroll back to capture (select and copy) the first communication with your engraver. This will tell us the precise model name, firmware revision number and build options. Please paste that copied text into a reply here.

Thank you for your help, but I got the answer from the lightBurn tech team. The problem was in file, preferences folder, files.ini.old and prefs that had to be deleted. We’re relaunching LightBurn, which we’ve reconfigured from the start. Thank you

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