error:Alarm lock issue

im new to lightburn and im trying to move my laser around manually but i keep getting the error:alarm lock. im not sure how to fix it or get around the problem. how can i over come this problem?

manually meaning the jog buttons in the move tab?

yes when i hit the jog buttons the Y is backwards for me. up makes it go down and down makes it go up

alright so lets start with what kind of laser you have so we can determine the machine origin. different lasers behave differently in lightburn. there is lots of stuff to read here in the “docs” tab and lots of good information flowing in the discussions.

sometimes the laser is actually facing the opposite way you would think based on the way it homes on startup.

and at what point does the alarm go off?

From the information on the profile, this could be a Smoothie config file issue.

If the control board is a retrofit to replace a previous controller it could even go back as far as wiring.

More information about this engraver is necessary.

Is there a control panel on the engraver with jog arrows and do they operate in the correct direction?

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