Extend the test firing time

Does anyone know how to extend the test firing time?

Thank you very much.

Can you tell us what this is?

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It’s the button on the “MOVE” tab that activates the laser to center it. When you activate it, it’s only on for a few seconds and I’d like to be able to turn it on and off at will, or if that’s not possible, extend the shooting time.
Here’s a picture.

I know there´s a time limit but on mine the laser stays ON at least 2 minutes with an red outline on the FIRE button.

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Mine only stays 15 seconds, it’s too little to do a correct centering.

Does anyone know how to modify it? Thanks in advance.

In console window right click Macro0 name Fire ON input commands then OK at the end .

In console window right click Macro1 name Fire OFF input commands then click OK at the end .

Let us know .

Does your Device type only say GRBL and not GRBL-(something else)?

I could not find anything about Fire button time, so I suspect it is some sort of safety feature in your controller. Mine does not time out on any of my machines…

The device is GRBL, specifically it is an AtomStack AIC1 controller for a 24w optical machine.
When pressing the macro button “FIRE 1” it works fine, it connects but the time limit is the same, it turns off after 20 seconds.
With the code:
G1 F100 S7.5
It does not work.

You have to put:
G1 F100 S17.5

Any other ideas?


17.5 is too much.
Is your $30 = S-value max?
As a workaround you can try: set a circle at the center, put your laser protection glasses and enable frame continuously (with low power ) after that set the circle Cut/layer to no Output and run your laser job.

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Well, in the end the solution based on your instructions is:
G1 F100 S25
G4 P60000

G4 gives me 60 seconds of time since it is 60,000 msg.

To stop the firing I do it with the general STOP.

It works for me.

Thank you all very much.