File does not transfer to lazer

Problem is when file sent to the lazer nothing showes except a very small ciucrle.
I selected and copied the parts than pasted to a new file. This time lazer worked and all parts were there.
When I opened in light burn everthing looks fine.
It has to be something simple but I can’t tell what!

Unfortunately, without any pictures or LightBurn files to examine, nobody else can, either!

Uploading the offending *lbrn2 files and pictures of the results will help figure things out.

202 1A of 6 test3.lbrn2 (278.5 KB)
Four.lbrn2 (279.4 KB)

I hope this helps "bad’ file is black in preview “good” file is ok.

another thing
using zoom to frame bad file goes to extreamly small.
Good file does just fine.
I’m new at this just guessing.

The Four file was apparently traced from a bitmap image, so all the lines are doubled. LightBurn does not currently do what’s called a center-line trace, so if you want a single vector for each of those lines you must trace the image using a different program; Inkscape maybe better.

The geometry does, however, preview correctly, and shows the doubled lines in the LightBurn layout.

The geometry in the 202 1A … file seems badly arranged. There is a lone 1.24 mm oval shape at the bottom middle of may be the platform, then the same set of double-line traced shapes in the Four file, at the same scale, tens of meters off to the upper left.

I do not know how the 202 1A … file was generated, but whatever the process was, it doesn’t produce valid results.

As a rule of thumb, when the preview looks wrong, the cut / engraved result will not look any better.

You may have inadvertently flipped the Invert switch in the Preview window, which renders the background black and the traces white.

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