I have used Lightburn for years and up until an hour ago am using version 1.7.02. A couple of days ago I modified a small project - and saved it. Yesterday I couldn’t find the updated version at all, and from the recent files dropdown all I could find was the earlier unedited version. So I had to do the changes again. I then saved it. I know for certain I did. Today, all I can open once again is the previous unedited version!
I can recreate the changes easily enough, although it is time consuming given it will be for the third time. This has never happened before.
Is it just me? I think I had more than one Lightburn open at the time so does that effect the recently used list? Even so, it shouldn’t lose my changes so I am confused.
The file there is the unedited version. I don’t understand though. It’s as if the saving of changes never happened. But I know for fact I saved it, more than once even.
It’s a network drive. I’ve checked everywhere including backups but all the same version. But here’s a thing - I just opened the file and deliberately changed it. I saved it by clicking the save icon but after that when I went to close lightburn it told me it had been changed and would I like to save it? It’s as if it had ignored the save icon input.