Following a path rather than flood fill

I have created a square like a picture frame, like a think line. Is there a way to fill the frame by running around the frame rather than just going from side to side up one line.
The bottom and top line go the full length across but the vertical line just goes rapid back and forth to fill it. the line not very thick and its moving fast and shaking the laser table.


To make sure I understand what you’re saying, instead of the flood fill pattern you want the laser to make concentric square passes around the frame in a spiral like path until the entire frame is drawn?

If so, I’m not aware of anything that would allow for this.

Is your only reason for wanting this due to the shaking? If so, could you change your speed or acceleration settings to reduce this? Or have you tried changing the Scan angle? This might change things enough to reduce vibration.

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Change the layer to Offset Fill instead of Fill.

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Well @LightBurn is cheating here since he likely wrote it.

But nice feature that I’ll have to bookmark for future reference. I misunderstood or forgot how that layer type worked.

Thanks for the reply that worked perfectly :slight_smile:

Just checked out “Offset Fill” Pretty fantastic. Will save tons of time.

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