For how many tutorials in French?

It is true that for us French, it is quite difficult to manage lightburn entirely. It would help us if you could share a more complete explanation of how to use lightburn in French. Good day to all

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I think the translations are made by volunteers, so if you want to contribute or know someone who will, you are certainly most welcome at LightBurn.

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It is not in my capacity. You should make a request on the french group lightburn on facebook, to try to find a suitable person to do this.

You have misunderstood me, I have no need or desire for the translation of LightBurn into French or into my own language. I am convinced that the “international technical language” should be English, just as all posts here should be.
It is not arrogance on my part, for culture, literature and music, etc. I think people’s original language is very appropriate and wonderful.

il y a des français ici. si tu es réellement pas à l’aise en anglais, bah pose tes questions en français, et tu auras possiblement des réponses (c’est jamais garanti, mais bon).

quant à la traduction des docs, c’est un gros boulot, surtout avec les évolutions continues de LB qui forcent à remettre à jour régulièrement. à titre perso, j’ai pas le temps/l’envie.

there are French people here. If you’re really not comfortable in English, well ask your questions in French, and you might get answers (it’s never guaranteed, but hey).

as for the translation of the docs, it is a big job, especially with the continuous evolutions of LB which force to update regularly. Personally, I don’t have the time / the inclination.

This was certainly true in the earliest of days, but we are using a professional translation house now for all are international language support. To date, they are helping with the software, and we have not tasked them to do the same with our documentation or other training resources that I am aware.

Google can translate, as I used for @s.laforet post above. They also do entire documents in a single go, so you might find that useful.

C’était certainement vrai dans les premiers jours, mais nous utilisons maintenant une maison de traduction professionnelle pour tous sont un support linguistique international. À ce jour, ils aident avec le logiciel, et nous ne leur avons pas demandé de faire de même avec notre documentation ou d’autres ressources de formation que je connais.

Google peut traduire, comme je l’ai utilisé pour le post @ s.laforet ci-dessus. Ils font également des documents entiers en une seule fois, vous pourriez donc trouver cela utile.

By not using the common language, many are excluded from contributing and receiving important information.
Imagine everyone using their respective languages here, it will be the pure chaos.
To expect the others to translate everything twice because you do not have the time or desire is, in my opinion, directly rude. I personally skip all posts in non-English - I also do not have the time and desire to help AND translate everything twice. (This applies to all non-English languages.)

I am not affiliated with the LightBurn team and my native language is not English either. I understand very well that the LightBurn team sees the language issue a little differently, it is also their product and livelihood.

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