I have a piece of wood 12x12 inches. When framing i set the size and x axis moves 12 inches, y axis around 13.5 inches. Can anyone help?
Can you upload the .lbrn file here for review?
I just drew a square 12x12. Put my laser in upper left corner. Used job origin, and pressed FRAME button. It moved 12 inches in x but about 13.5 in y. I tried framing in creative space software that came with xtool machine and worked perfect. I must have a setting off in lightburn
Is the issue limited to framing or do the actual burns also seem to have incorrect dimensions?
Make sure you do not have Rotary enabled. If you do, disable rotary and retest.
If that is not it, can you take a full screenshot of LightBurn with your design loaded? Make sure to have Laser window showing please.
I feel stupid now. Lol. I had my rotary button ON. I turned it off…PERFECT. Ty so much. Should have ask earlier i guess. Been messing with it for 4 hrs. Lol
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