HI and sorry for posting something that is similar to other threads but i could not find an answer to my problem
i am using a customized Twotrees TT 5.5 laser engraver , very often LB freeze in the middle of the job and mostly at the end of a completed job…laser head reaches origin and after that there is no way to make any further action on the machine… when it happens i have no choice but closing LB and opening at again…sometime i need to turn off also the engraver and/or disconnet the usb cable to reset everyting
this is a “quick” operation but its annoying having to deal with problem pretty much every few jobs or actions…here is a screenshoot of the screen during one of this freeze
this also much more frequent when i use another application and place LB in the background…if so i do the irreversible freeze is pretty much guarantee…as a result , to prevent the problem i end launching the job and doing nothing on my pc until the job has ended…in the hope it’ll end successfully
worth maybe to point that the machine is connected to my computer throungh a 4.5 mt usb cable …
any suggestion/idea ? being able at least to unlock wo shutting down would be already better than nothing …of course solving the instability would be my final goal
thanks in advance