Galvo 25-Point-Calibration

Hello everyone,
I raised the issue of precision in galvo systems over a year ago. It was said that LB was working on a solution. Unfortunately, nothing has happened in this direction yet :frowning:
The 9-point calibration used here is not sufficient for precise dimensional accuracy over the entire working range. For example, a circle with a diameter of 10mm on a work surface of 200mm x 200mm is only 9mm in the centre and 11mm at the edge of the work surface. The difference varies depending on the lens used. In EZ-Cad there is a 25-point calibration for this reason. Unfortunately, importing the EZ-CAD 25-point file into Lightburn has no effect.

So my question is, when will LB finally get a 25-point calibration?

I would say that a lot of Galvo users have this problem when using workspaces of 200x200 or larger.

I look forward to feedback
VG Michael

I had hoped that support would get in touch, especially as the issue was already on the table. But it seems that nobody wants to deal with the matter.
For better or worse, I will stick with EzCad and NOT buy any more updates from Lightburn. What a pity!

VG Rötty