Generating Light Line

I am wanting to engrave a line of text and want it to be parallel to the boards edge. I used a ruler to draw a parallel line for where the text should be engraved. What i would like to do is have the laser head move from one end of the line to the other, with the laser light on, so I can adjust my board to be in line with the laser. Is there a way to have the laser move straight with the beam on?
Thank you,

You should be able to just ‘frame’ it…


The problem with Framing is that it doesn’t provide a single straight line that can be used to align with the pencil line on the board. It creates a rectangle. Although, thinking about it further, if I am just wanting to make sure the board is correctly positioned, I could just compare one of the rectangular lines with my line. So that’s what I will do. But it would be handy if when moving the laser head from point to point, the shift key would turn on the laser at the same low power when framing.
Thank you,

Select another layer, and draw a line.
Set the speed however you like and the power way down; 0.5% might work fine.
Turn off your text layer and run your job with just the low power aiming line and line everything up.
When you want to run your job turn on the text layer(s).

If your engraver has limit switches the Print and Cut tool is the super-precise alignment feature.

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