Gravure sur miroir

bonjour à tous!!
petite question: j’aimerais savoir comment faire une gravure photo sur un miroir?
les réglage de la machine,puissance,etc…
merci de vos réponses!
CDT thierry.

essai, erreur, et on répète…

soit c’est un miroir en verre, et on grave à l’endroit sur la face visible (mais l’état de surface du verre sera pas forcément très beau, car le laser “éclate” le verre) , soit c’est un plexiglas miroir et dans ce cas il faut plutôt graver le dos, et inverser le dessin.

idéalement, il faut tester sur une chute.

quelle machine as-tu? (type de tube, puissance, …)

type miroir pour se regarder dedans!
machine co2 80w ruida

Engraving a photo on a mirror is usually done by removing the mirror coating from the back side, not engraving the glass on the front. For settings, I would suggest starting with relatively low DPI (like 200) and about 150mm/sec for speed. Use multiple tests to find the correct power setting to use, and then start slowly increasing DPI and speed as long as the results are good.

The coating on the back of a mirror can vary greatly depending on brand and type. Some have very thick and durable coatings and some are much thinner and more fragile, so you will have to experiment with power and speed to get good results on the mirror type you use.

I’ve only experimented a little bit with mirrors so far, but this was scanned at 250mm/sec and about 25% power (from a 80 watt CO2 ) and an interval of 0.05mm.
Those numbers may not be ideal, but should give you a starting point.

Here’s a photo that shows my first attempt at engraving mirror backs. (on an old broken badly damaged bit of mirror)
The upper cat was colored with felt tip pens and the lower one with spray paint. The back shows the red/brown coating that was on the mirror I used.

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