Handling exhaust from multiple lasers

Hi guys,

Looking for some ideas here. Something I have not thought of yet.

We have 3 lasers currently - 1 each 1325, 1390 and 3050.

We have a 8" PVC pipe that runs along the ceiling of our shop and then all the way out the back of the shop to release the exhaust outside.

Each laser has 1-2 flexible 6-8" duct type piping leading from the laser to its own exhaust fan (pictured below), which then all pipe in to the exhaust PVC pipe and get expelled out back.

The issue with this method is without having cutoff valves (we do have 2, which is not enough), if one of the lasers goes down or one of the fans blow out, the exhaust from the other lasers gets piped right up in to the offline laser, since air will travel to the closest exit in a pipe network… and pushing multiple fans in to a single exhaust pipe seems to be to a bad way to do it.

I had thought to put my fan(s) on the other end near the exit and have the fans essentially pull the exhaust to the exit, rather than push it from the source to the exit… but doing that with multiple fans would be technically challenging (for me) and again seems like the wrong way to do it - not to mention it would give equal exhaust “power” to all of the lasers, whereas the 1325 usually needs a lot more than the others, if that makes sense.

Soooo. I am looking for ideas. Its time to restructure things, so i want to make sure there is not a good idea out there that I just haven’t thought of yet :smiley:

Any kick in the right direction is greatly appreciated!



Blast gates are my only recommendation.

This. Right here.

So simple… and yet I had no idea they existed! Even available locally, and I live in a 3rd world country in the middle of nowhere.

Thank you for that. At the very least this will prevent any blowback issue. Exactly what I needed.


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