Help! My lines won’t close

I hooked up my chuck rotary yesterday… I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I also just took it off of “Beginners mode” off… which could have something to do with it too.
However on the screen my lines are closed but when I send the file to my machine they show up not closing then went starting the engrave my
Shapes don’t close their either. :tired_face::tired_face::tired_face:

Can you upload the file for review? It’s not apparent what’s happening.

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Check to make sure you don’t have ‘Tabs’ enabled in your cut settings.

Cups.lbrn2 (72.6 KB)

Yes! I would greatly appreciate the help!

Turning off tabs in your Layer settings is the fix here:

@JTR Tyler is spot on. Thanks for sharing this file. You do have tabs enabled, which is causing the issue you observe. :slight_smile: Turn that Off to resolve.

Yes! Thank ya’ll so much!!! I am so grateful for the help!!

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