It wont trace the grey rows of crops sketch around the letters. It either makes the letters have holes or cuts out the grey rows. I tried to make the rows with lines but now i cant delete the section of lines inside the letters. I’m using the black and white gif from their site. Here’s a pic of the original image
So i loaded the file you sent and in the preview it’s filling in those rows at the end. About 80% through the scan it’s perfect but then it’s going back to fill in those lines and creating a solid black on the bottom
Nothing is wrong with it without the lines graphic but i just got my laser a few weeks ago and wanted to make a sign for my boss bc his birthday is in December. I’ve watched many videos on the lightburn channel and have filled a few sheets of ply with random test graphics but my goal is to do wood inlays and other wood stuff. It’s for a hobby as i won’t be selling anything. So I’m mostly trying to get good with lightburn so i can make beautiful stuff one day. But it’s a lot more complex than i anticipated