Hi All, Newby Q

We are using a new Vevor 60W CO2 laser with Rudia Controller. I’m working it out as I go. it’s bed is supposed to be 600x400 but that’s more axis lengths. When homed to top right X0/Y0 it’s in an uncuttable area, or at least not over the waffleboard. How can I set it in Lightburn to have that kind of offset so 0/0 is in fact like +10 etc. It’s just this laser will be somewhat communal and people will not all be the same level of capability. Thanks in advance.

Not certain but I don’t think there’s a way to offset the origin that way at the machine configuration level. Nothing I’ve seen would indicate this is possible. If you wanted to change position I think you would need to relocate the homing sensors but I’m happy to be corrected on this if that’s not the case.

I thought it may be the case of that too, it was the very first thing I looked at, but it’ll involve a bit of modification to the sensor brackets, and I’m a little worried that it’ll offset it at the other end and potentially crash into the far end of both axis, so there’s some consideration to be made.

Reduce the work area in LightBurn to reflect the desired addressable area.

I tried that but it doesn’t fix 0. It still begins in an area i dont want to use. That’s why I was hoping there’d be an offset similar to what’s available for the pointer where i could set a boundary or something. All good will just need to educate the people who will use it.

It won’t fix origin. I explained that part earlier. But it will reduce the addressable area beyond origin. So addresses your concern about going beyond the boundary on the other end of origin.

Ahh yes sorry im with you now. It’s a 2 part fix. Move the sensors reduce the area. Sorry my mistake i was treating the suggestions individually. That would definitly work, thanks for thinking outside the box (pun intended)

There are options on both axes on my Ruida… I changed three and checked how it works… Both of the home offset and the return position. If the return position change is needed, I doubt it… I usually us it with origin, meaning user origin. For this I set it to absolute.

I set both of these to 100, after it homed, it moved to 100, 100 and the display was still 0, 0

Might be worth a look…

Good luck, let us know…


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Oh nice. I wasn’t looking directly at the parameters, only the manual.

Max Travel in the same section may be relevant too. I’m curious if that’s Max Travel for Absolute Coords or if that’s based on post offset travel.

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Ooooooooo i will be checking this out when i get back! I thought i might be able to set it on the machine, but i was lost on the touchpanel. Didnt think of using lightburn device settings to look. If mine has it that’ll be exactly what I’m after.

So much help here. I didnt even think forums still existed :stuck_out_tongue:

Nope … Had the same question … it let me run mine into the X end rail… So I’m guessing it’s not that smart.

As it’s moving toward the offset, it displays the firmware id, so it’s still in it’s boot sequence … When it come back to life, both axes are 0.


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