Home position offset

I set up my laser this morning to do some slate coasters. I have a template setup for this so usually all I need to do is home the laser and everything is lined up. However, when framing, I noticed the graphic was not lining up to the template. After investigating that the template system is installed correctly and that my limit switches are still in the same position, I can’t find any physical reason why the graphic is not aligning. I also have a grid burned on my spoil board and the laser is also not aligned to that now. It appears that the home position has been offset about 4mm in the +X direction.
I used the laser for this same job a couple of weeks ago and haven’t used it since then. The only thing I can think of that has changed is that I updated to version 1.7.03 this morning when Lightburn started up. I know it’s unlikely, but is there any setting in the software that can offset the home position? I can’t find anything in the settings menus. I there a way that I can load the previous version to eliminate this possibility that would have all my previous settings?

You could try loading a preferences file from before the update. File Menu>Preferences>Load Prefs Backup

Perhaps an inadvertently activated Laser Offset would do that:

The fact that the machine doesn’t even have a red-dot pointer would certainly make it less obvious. :grin:

Yes, I checked that. Its set to off.

Nope, no change with that.

Perhaps we’ll see something if you post a screenshot of your entire Lightburn screen with your project loaded and the Cuts/Layers Panel and Laser Panel visible. Also post a screenshot of the Settings Window (Gears icon) with the Units and Grids tab visible and post a screenshot of the Device Settings Window (Wrench and Screwdriver icon). Finally post a photo of your laser bed with the workpiece in place.

I just have a box drawn now so I can frame around where one of the tool layer boxes are located. It frames 4mm to the right of the tool layer box.

No cable or anything getting between switch?

I just reread your post and see the other screen shots you asked for. I will post them in the morning.

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No, I checked that as well.

Here are the additional screenshots you requested.

What I see is that your physical jig cutouts are spaced farther to the right than they are in Lightburn. I think your positioning in Lightburn may have shifted.

Hard to explain in words, but I counted the lines on your wasteboard from each side to the nearest cutout for a coaster and there are 8 lines from the left and 6 lines from the right. I did the same thing in Lightburn there are 9 lines from the left and 8 lines from the right. Considering differences in units from your Lightburn display to your wasteboard, I’m pretty sure your design is slightly off.

Assuming the lines on the edge of your wasteboard are the physical extents of your laser, measure from the left line to the first cutout, then repeat that measurement in Lightburn. I think you will find the error.

That’s a good observation, but the reason it appears that way is that I started my grid at x=10, y=10 to keep the laser from hitting the limit switches when burning the grid. The grid and fixture does actually align with the software.

Followed by…

How do you know this if the Laser is showing where the software says it should be located?

I think @thelmuth has provided the answer.
Absolute Coords
Accidental click and slight shift with the mouse, I see this a lot on my own screen.

I know that the grid on the spoil board and the fixture are aligned because I can see it physically. Both of these were designed and burned with reference to the software grid and before this problem that started yesterday they were all aligned as I have used the fixture and spoil board for over a year with no problem. Now when I position the laser according to the software grid, it is out of position in the x direction by about 4mm. It looks like the home position has changed, but I can’t find any physical reason for that. I don’t know what G54, G10 does, so maybe you can explain what you mean there.

Not that complicated:

  1. Laser frame not secured and has moved.
  2. Xaxis limit switch moved or is failing (4mm = moved more likely)
  3. Some sort of position offset is being applied to the Xaxis
  4. Part program has moved slightly

Go through trying to dispute each of these and you will eventually find the culprit. Just go slowly and make no assumptions.

In the Console window, enter G54 X0 Y0. That will clear out any work coordinate offset values. However, I am not sure you can do this with the xTool controller.

I just read this again. If you started from 0,0, you should not hit the limit switches. The switch pull-off makes sure you have enough clearance.

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To get a consistent repeatability I suggest to lock your shapes and save as e.g. " Template for Square Slate Coasters ".

You’re right, it shouldn’t be that complicated. From your list:

  1. The laser is fixed in position in the enclosure. The fixture system is keyed to the laser frame. The spoil board is also fixed to the enclosure.
  2. The limit switch is located hard against the frame as far as it can go on the left side. It would have to move 4mm to the right to cause this problem. I checked and it is still in the proper position. A failing limit switch is something I haven’t considered, but 4mm seems a lot for that to be the case. I can get a replacement switch to eliminate that possibility.
  3. This possibility is why I started this thread, especially since the problem started coincidence with the software update. Just wondering if there’s some setting in the software that can offset the software grid.
  4. This isn’t likely because both the fixture and the spoil board grid are out of position. I can also use the icon in the tools to position the laser and it positions the laser 4mm off from the grid.

The boxes on the software version of the template are locked.

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