Homing cycle is not enabled in your Grbl settings - what to do?

As you guys can tell, I have no idea what commands mean what; I did not pick up on the size of the frame (obviously).

When homing and hit the gantry switch, the laser stops the side-to-side and when I hit the frame switch, it stops the front-to-back.

Is the $130 & $131 correct or should I just adjust the $131?

They are correct now. Test again.

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Good, that is correct operation. You also have your size set correctly now in GRBL.

Now test the homing function and report.


Seems to be working properly now. Homing OK, framing OK, homing after framing multiple times OK, and test burn worked fine.

Praying this is it!

As I said above, this post will stay active for a few weeks and if necessary (which I hope it won’t be) I’ll drop back in.

Again, truly thankful for all the help. Wish I could buy y’all a cuppa joe…or maybe a brewski.

With appreciation,
