How do I enlarge a plan

Go to and scroll down until you see the Birdhouse/Feeder this is my project except it has tossed a sinker ball in the midst. So far I have cut the floor and all four side walls right from the pattern, the only exception is the roof panels. When I cut the first panel it came out 20 CM wide X 20 1/2 CM long also the cut out for the tabs on the gable were 13CM outside of slot to outside of slot, I need the slots to be 20cm so they will go together
I sure hope I have not confused the issue.

(Moderation edit : corrected link to

Try the Slot & Tab Resizer Function

Hi @algot /Jim

I think I found the generator you’re talking about (in the Unstable section of the site) but I don’t have any of the settings you used.

BirdHouse - Boxes

If you check your browser history you may find that all your birdhouse/feeder settings were put into the URL or Link when you were working.

If that’s unsuccessful, sharing the LBRN or LBRN2 project file might be the best way forward without the original settings.

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