How to connect camera using ethernet

Hi Everyone. When i bought my laser it came with a camera already mounted in the lid. I’ve followed the USB cable back to a socket on the back of the machine, but I’m wanting to run it all through Ethernet as the laser is in a separate room. I’ve got the laser working on ethernet but i cant see the camera as its not connected via usb. Is there a way to run the laser over ethernet and have the camera show without running a separate USB just for the camera?

If you do not find a “private fix” for your wish then it looks black. Lightburn will Deffinitive not support remoute operation of a laser with their program.
Please, not to start a discussion about whether it is ok or not, there have been at least 100 of this kind of discussions and Lightburn’s attitude is clear - no remote control support of Lightburn.


I don’t think there’s a way to run the camera over Ethernet directly without a USB connection, as the camera likely needs that for data transfer. Try using a USB to Ethernet adapter, but you need to check if the software supports it.

There are usb to ethernet ip adapters out there, but they are expensive like in the $250 range, but the are supposed to let you route and use switches and hubs to send usb where you need it as long as software is ok with the virtual drivers on the computer end.

My laser is a ways away so I have ordered plain usb to ethernet cable adapters so I can get 25 or 30’ usb to the computer. Amazon supposed to deliver yesterday and they did not make it.