How to engrave an image that exceeds bounds but is one image


I am trying to engrave an SVG image onto the corner of a board but the image itself exceeds the bounds. I tried using “cut selected graphics” but the problem is the graphic is selected as a whole image, rather than stopping at the boundaries.

The ideal solution would be to allow me to insert the graphic but ONLY print whatever is in the border and automatically ignore everything else

In the image, I only want to print the lines within the border. You can see the star is inside and outside the boundary so even when I select that one star, lightburn interprets it as a single shape and ignores it.

Use the cut shapes tool to get rid of the portion of the graphic you don’t want.

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Create a rectangle or square the size of the pattern you want and place it on the svg where you want it. Select the rectangle, then shift select the svg, then click the boolean subtract.