How to stop software updates?

Hi all,

My Lightburn license is valid but I would not like to pay for updates at this time, so I am using version 1.4.00, the last version I had a valid update license for.

However, every time my computer restarts, the software automatically updates to the latest version, and then won’t open because I don’t have a license for it.

I’m working on a Windows 11 machine. How do I stop the software from updating?

Thanks in advance!

Perhaps unchecking Edit → Settings → File Settings → Automatically check for updates wil do the trick:

For readers from the future, it’s in a slightly different place in V1.7, after those settings splintered into tabs.

Automatically? I thought the older versions would just open a popup saying you need to download the newer version. You then need to download the installer and install the new version manually. I don’t remember that it installed itself at any time…


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