How to use Lightburn over multiple machines

I have just purchased a CO2 from China and I cannot link it to Lightburn. It only accepts my NEJE.
The CO2 is running the LaserDRW3 design, but I find that it is very limited.
Thank you in advance

I believe controllers that use LaserDRW are typically M2 Nano or similar boards that ship with K40 type machines.

Those controllers are not directly compatible with LightBurn.

Typically people wanting to use those lasers with LightBurn will do a board swap with either one of the drop-in type replacements (Cohesion3D, Mini Gerbil, K40+) or with a more DIY solution (MKS DLC32).

Alternatively, there’s a program called Meerk40t that is an alternative free software that you can use to control the laser. It also features a Ruida mode that can emulate a Ruida controller. This would allow you to run LightBurn and connect to Meerk40t which then drives your laser.

The other common software free software used with these types of lasers is K40 Whisperer. Visicut is another alternative free solution.

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Thank you, I’m a beginner so I’m still getting the hang of it.
I like Lightburn for my NEJE as it’s so easy to use but I will use you suggestions for my CO2.
Thank you :blush:

This covers a very broad range of machine… It’s nice to be as specific as possible as these vary in a very broad range.

If you post a link that is helpful. You description would indicate a K40 type.

I think @berainlb is correct and you will have to upgrade it’s controller to be able to use Lightburn.

There are numerous videos on upgrading the K40 models to use standard grbl machine control.

Good luck


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