Oh! sorry, should’ve know fsk was part of the filename… sorry, that’s my bad and comes from many years working with linux. While you can have spaces in file paths on linux it’s generally just something you don’t do as a rule. And that carries over for me to windows. In the case of a space in your filename you would have to wrap it in quotes: python nocomment.py "fsk mandela.gc"
So the script right now is setup to just overwrite the file you gave it with the modified version. But that could be changed easily.
At this point, I truly recommend forgetting about the console and doing what I suggested before: Just put nocomment.py on the desktop or somewhere easy and drag/drop your .gc files onto it. It will always do the right thing if you do it that way.
Are you sick of me yet?
Ok I tried that. I copied your .py file and pasted it to my desk top and then tried to drag the mandela.gc file and drop it on top of the nocomment.py image on the desktop but it did nothing other then drop a shortcut link on the desktop for the mandela.gc I even tried opening up the actual desktop folder and do it that way. but they are just shortcuts also tried it in another folder and didn’t get it to work.
In that case, and on closer inspection of your previous post I see your problem
you need to change directories into the lightburn folder.
Just type cd lightburn while in C:\Users\Glen\
Then run nocomment.py mandela.gc
Your the man Adam!!!
That worked this time, to change the directory.
It amazing what you forget when you haven’t used a terminal in 20 plus years
Well Adam, thank you so very much for your file and all of the excellent help! You have gone above and beyond being patient and super helpful.
This will be a great time saver!!! Now back to burning.