Ikier K1 Pro with Ikier chuck rotary

I’m running the extended rails on my K1 Pro so I did an X/Y swap in the software to make it Landscape mode with the long X axis. When I set my rotary up I have to swap the motor lead for the long X (now Y)axis to drive the rotary. When I set the rotary up the coordinate system does not match the swapped X/Y axis and the output to the rotary is WAY out of proportion. Is there no support in the software to X/Y swap the rotary setup so I don"t have to reconfigure the machine to the original orientation when setting the rotary in. Am I missing something?

You get better results if you scan with the gantry (X) axis, so you may create a new device named “chuck rotary” without swapping X/Y and with correct definitions when you need to do rotary work just switch devices.
I believe if you enable rotary on the new “chuck rotary” no need to disable rotary the option stays resident, just switch to the X/Y device for flat. When you switch back to “chuck rotary” Enable Rotary is already ON.

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