Image bleeds when engraving

My laser has started image bleed when burning.

I can laser the same image multiple times and the bleeds all occur in different places. It’s started happening with more and more frequency on images and texts that I have used for years with no problems before and also new images and text.

I’ve tried re-installing lightburn, but as it happens in different places on each pass I think it might be the laser.

Does anyone have any ideas?

There is very little to go on here. A photo would be a great addition, because we “can’t” see what you see.

Did it just go ‘bad’ or did it get there slowly over time?

What have you tried to do to fix it?


I’ve reset all the cables / connections and re-installed light burn. I’ve tried different woods too. This is on graphic and text. The bleed is in different locations on each burn and has been getting worse over the past few weeks. It’s now happening on every burn.


I would first check all belts and wheels are at a good tension, looks like a slippage issue