Image engraving skews to the right after software update to 1.3.01

Hello, I am fairly new to using Lightburn, and learning. That said, recently I successfully burned some images and they turned out very nice. Today (6 weeks later) I upgraded my LB software to and also now am also having a problem with the burned image going on an angle to the right. Please find below some information that may assist:

  1. Using LB on Windows,
  2. Have the Image Layer set to: Image Mode, Over scanning 0.0%, Line Intervals 0.081 mm (317 DPI), Scan Angle 45 degrees, and Image Mode - Jarvis.
  3. I am using an Xtool D1 Pro 20W.

Not sure if this might help, but I also updated LB to 1.3.01 on my Apple Mac today (running Catalina) where I did the image editing, etc. Then I saved the LBRN2 file to a USB drive and copied it to a powerful Windows Laptop which I operate the Xtool Laser from.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

This is almost certainly going to be a different issue than what the Ortur LM3 folks are seeing.

Can you take a photo of the burn as well as provide a full Screenshot of LightBurn with the design loaded?

Hello Berianlb,

Thank you for your message.

In summary: I had the Scan Angle set at 90 degrees and not 45 degrees which seems to have caused my image to be burned on an angle.

Details: I did another check of the Image Mode, that I used to do the burn with on my Windows Laptop and now found the problem; I had the Scan Angle set at 90 degrees using Jarvis mode, and NOT 45 degrees as shown in the my message above. Sorry, I only use my Apple Mac for email (where it’s LB had the Scan Angle set at 45 degrees), but after checking again today, my Windows Laptop had it a 90 degrees.

I change the Angle back to 45 degrees on my Windows Laptop and did a burn and it turned out good, thus my error.

Thank you again,

Glad you’ve got a solution but note that scan angle should be irrelevant to whether or not your image burns at an angle.

If that’s the case it’s likely that you have a mechanical issue causing missed steps. Either loose belts, loose pinion gear, or possibly your speed settings too high for scanning on Y axis.

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Thank you berainlb for your reply. I will check my laser for any mechanical issues.

Kind regards, Keith