While using Rotary mode with everything setup on the Laser tab, when I change the Cut settings on the Cuts/Layers, the Start From setting will sometimes switch from Current Position to Absolute position. Many times this has happened and it causes the laser head to slam into the right side. I have to check the setting every time I change the Cut Settings from Framing to Engraving. I also have to reset the laser head position and starting angle of the object being engraved. Luckily usually the laser is off of the object being engraved when it fires the laser when this happens.
Is this a Bug in the software or is it something that I am not setting up correctly?
This happened while I was typing up this post.
Seems like a bug to me. I’ve never had this happen. I don’t think Lightburn saves the Start From: setting with the job so if you open a new job is uses the Start From: setting from the previous job. I would report this to Lightburn as a bug and see what they say. Just a thought, but try setting the Start From: position to Current Position before you initialize the rotary and load your job and see if that helps