Incomplete cut, nodes present

When I cut this image it makes an incomplete cut

This is the preview

Nodes view

Anyone have any ideas?

Nodes probably not connected. Set trees to fill and see if it fills in.

It fills in when I use fill.

If you want you can upload file so we can look at it.

Reindeer.lbrn2 (124.3 KB)

On preview that section was red. I deleted and reconnected, now shows black.

Thank you very much, I am grateful!

Where is the file you corrected?

Or at least tell me how you deleted and reconnected, I have tried and it does not work for me.

Never mind I figured it out, thanks again.

I thought I had it, when I remove the one and replace it removed the same line from the tree on the other side.

I didn’t try it. Seemed they where connected but on different layer.

Any reason why when I fix the one line, the other line in the tree to the far left disappeared?

I think you may be looking in the wrong direction.

Disable “Tabs/Bridges” in the layer with the problem gap. That should remove the tab which looks like an incomplete cut.

Thank you, that solved the issue.

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