Hello, I have tried to install the CH34 Drivers for my Mac 10.13.6 I am using Lightburn 1.7.04 It says the Installation was successful and when I restart the Mac it doesn’t appear in Lightburn. I have installed a new version of Lightburn any suggestions>
There is no need for external CH3XX drivers on the Mac - they have been built-in for several years (Catalina, if I recall). I have attached my Roly Lasermatic, which uses the CH340 chip, on each of MacBook Pro with an Intel chip, my MacBook Pro M1, and a Mac mini M4, all without instaling an external driver. All work flawlessly.
Typical issues:
Wrong type of USB cable - the usual suggestion is to get a USB3 to USB3 adapter, as some devices have issues with USB3 cabling.