Is "Autosave" working on 1.7.03...?

Just now, I had a PC crash… Being working from last hour on project, but restablished/reopen LB with no success on getting autosaved backup file.
I checked autosave settings for every 2 minutes.
What could be the reason , or where could I find autosaved file?
When I had a similar crash situation using 1.6.x, It did po-up a message regarding to recover backup file… Unfortuney, No this time with 1.7.03…

Thank you in advance for your help…
Windows 11
Lenovo ThinkPad
Sculpfun S30-33W

Was this a project you previously saved or an unnamed, unsaved project? If it was previously saved the backup should be in the same folder. If it was never. saved, Lightburn puts the backup file in your default documents folder.

Thank you for your prompt answer… Reviewed folder.
Found the xxx_backup file…!
I appreciatte your help…!!! Nice day!!!

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